Friday, July 3, 2020

What Motivates You?

What Motivates You?Before I answer this question, I want to let you know what motivates me. I get inspired by things I see and hear. My motivation comes from everywhere, including my favorite television shows and movies, people I know, my own accomplishments, and the things I hear.My Question: What Motivates You? I know you're going to be thinking that what motivates you is only your strengths. This is completely true. People want to be around people who are successful. Even though I am not the best writer in the world or a popular teacher or I'm not an athlete or any of the things that I look for in people, I still get excited when I watch television programs that will feature me and hear about the people that I'm working with.These things excite me. I want to be around the people who have the most success. I want to inspire the people that I work with because they will be inspired by the people who are succeeding at the things that I do and at the things that I've been able to acco mplish as a person.How can you answer the question, What Motivates You? Well, you need to be driven to succeed. It doesn't mean that you need to have a reason or even a mission or a goal to be motivated. The only thing that motivates me is seeing other people who are more successful than me and hearing the stories of what they've done.If you're like me and you don't have a mission or a goal to be motivated, this will be a great opportunity for you to focus on what motivates you. It's important that you realize that when you're using your writing for personal reasons you will not be able to write well about the things that motivate you. It has to be true to the source.Write about what you find inspiring you and to be honest, it's almost always inspirational and funny. If you find something that makes you laugh, that's a great way to write about what motivates you. Funny, but that's the way that I love to write about what motivates me.It's very important that you keep it genuine, howe ver, if you write as a way to get something off your chest or if you write to get something done it might not be as interesting to the reader. And it's not true to the source either. This is another reason why it's important to find what motivates you from somewhere else. You should always be sure that what motivates you is in line with your purpose.The whole idea behind writing What Motivates You is to find the inspiration. And not find it in yourself, find it where others are. They are living, breathing examples of the things that they are inspired by and you should make use of that knowledge when you're writing What Motivates You. If you have the courage and desire to be able to answer the question Why Me?, then you can write about what motivates you for real.

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